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Basic Astrology (English)
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Introduction by Dr Ravi Rao
#1: Module Brief
S01_Introduction to Astrology & Astronomy
S01A_Astronomy : Khagol Shastra
S02_Brief History of Astrology & the chronology of the vedic period
S02A_History of Astrology & Vedic Period
#2: Module Brief
S03_Solar System and Nine Planets
S04_Solar System - Eclipse
#3: Module Brief
S06_Predictive Numerology
S05_Birth Numbers & Sciences
#4: Module Brief
S07_Introduction to Planets, Indo Western Astrology, Bhavas & Rashi
S08_Kala Purusha and Bhavas
#5: Module Brief
S09_Nature of Zodiac Characters, Planet Representation
S10_Stars & Nakshutra Part 01
S11_Stars & Nakshutra Part 02
#6: Module Brief
S13_12 Houses:Bhavas
S12_Ascendants Lords - Houses
#7: Module Brief
S15A_Planetory Positions in Rashi Chart
S15_Horoscope Casting Part 2 - Shri Narendra Modi
S16_Your First Prediction Based on Astro Knowledge & Predictive Tools
S14_Horoscope Casting - Part 1
#8: Module Brief
S17_Panchaanga (Almanac : Ephemeries)
S18_Muhurta or Electional Astrology
#9: Module Brief
S19_Vimshottari Dasha System
#10: Module Brief
S20_Transit of Planets
S21_Tajika System : Annual Horoscope
S22_Varga Chakras Divisional Charts
P1 - ICAS Study Material 1
P2 - ICAS Study Material 2
P3 - ICAS Study Material 3
P4 - ICAS Study Material 4
Conclusion by Dr Ravi Rao
Course Introduction
Introduction by Dr Ravi Rao
Registration Process
Module 1: 4 Vedas & Vedangas
#1: Module Brief
S01_Introduction to Astrology & Astronomy
S01A_Astronomy : Khagol Shastra
S02_Brief History of Astrology & the chronology of the vedic period
S02A_History of Astrology & Vedic Period
Module 2: Solar System
#2: Module Brief
S03_Solar System and Nine Planets
S04_Solar System - Eclipse
Module 3: Birth Numbers & Sciences
#3: Module Brief
S06_Predictive Numerology
S05_Birth Numbers & Sciences
Module 4: Planets, Indo Western Astrology, Bhavas & Rashi
#4: Module Brief
S07_Introduction to Planets, Indo Western Astrology, Bhavas & Rashi
S08_Kala Purusha and Bhavas
Module 5: Zodiac Characters, Stars & Nakshutra
#5: Module Brief
S09_Nature of Zodiac Characters, Planet Representation
S10_Stars & Nakshutra Part 01
S11_Stars & Nakshutra Part 02
Module 6: Ascendants Lords, Houses/Bhavas
#6: Module Brief
S13_12 Houses:Bhavas
S12_Ascendants Lords - Houses
Module 7: Horoscope casting & Predictive Tools
#7: Module Brief
S15A_Planetory Positions in Rashi Chart
S15_Horoscope Casting Part 2 - Shri Narendra Modi
S16_Your First Prediction Based on Astro Knowledge & Predictive Tools
S14_Horoscope Casting - Part 1
Module 8: Panchaanga
#8: Module Brief
S17_Panchaanga (Almanac : Ephemeries)
S18_Muhurta or Electional Astrology
Module 9: Vimshottari Dasha System
#9: Module Brief
S19_Vimshottari Dasha System
Module 10: Transit of Plantes
#10: Module Brief
S20_Transit of Planets
S21_Tajika System : Annual Horoscope
S22_Varga Chakras Divisional Charts
Study Materials
P1 - ICAS Study Material 1
P2 - ICAS Study Material 2
P3 - ICAS Study Material 3
P4 - ICAS Study Material 4
Conclusion by Dr Ravi Rao
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