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Advance Astrology - (ENGLISH)
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Get started with Jyotish Visharada
Application Form Submission Process
Module Brief #1
01_Ashtakavarga Pradictive Tool Part 1
02_Ashtakavarga Part -2 (Kakshya Concept)
Module Brief #2
04_Judgement of Bhavas
05_Magical Astrology
Module brief #3
06_Longevity Part -1
07_Longevity Part -2 (Balarishtas)
Module brief #4
08_Medical Astrology Part 1
09_Medical Astrology (Examples) Part 2
Module brief #5
10_Question Papers
12_Vimshottary Dasha System _ Yogini Dasha
Module brief #6
13_Transit (Gochar) _ Kakshya
Module brief #7
14_Varga Chakras Divisional Charts
15_Tajika System_Annual Horoscope
Module brief #8
16_Mariage Maching Part -1
17_Marriage Maching (Rasi Lord) Part -2
18_Jaimini Astrology Part -1
19_Jaimini Astro (Char Dasha + Yogas) Part 2
Module brief #9
20_Mundane Astrology
Conclusion of Jyotish Visharada
#1: Astrology Book 1
#2: Case Study - 1 - Horoscope
#3: Case Study - 2 - Horoscope
#4: Case Study - 3 - Horoscope
#5: Case Study - 4 - Horoscope
#6: Chart Analysis
#7: Transit of Planets
Get started with Jyotish Visharada
Registration Process
Application Form Submission Process
Module #1
Module Brief #1
01_Ashtakavarga Pradictive Tool Part 1
02_Ashtakavarga Part -2 (Kakshya Concept)
Module #2
Module Brief #2
04_Judgement of Bhavas
05_Magical Astrology
Module #3
Module brief #3
06_Longevity Part -1
07_Longevity Part -2 (Balarishtas)
Module #4
Module brief #4
08_Medical Astrology Part 1
09_Medical Astrology (Examples) Part 2
Module #5
Module brief #5
10_Question Papers
12_Vimshottary Dasha System _ Yogini Dasha
Module #6
Module brief #6
13_Transit (Gochar) _ Kakshya
Module #7
Module brief #7
14_Varga Chakras Divisional Charts
15_Tajika System_Annual Horoscope
Module #8
Module brief #8
16_Mariage Maching Part -1
17_Marriage Maching (Rasi Lord) Part -2
18_Jaimini Astrology Part -1
19_Jaimini Astro (Char Dasha + Yogas) Part 2
Module #9
Module brief #9
20_Mundane Astrology
Conclusion of Jyotish Visharada
Study Material - Jyotish Visharada
#1: Astrology Book 1
#2: Case Study - 1 - Horoscope
#3: Case Study - 2 - Horoscope
#4: Case Study - 3 - Horoscope
#5: Case Study - 4 - Horoscope
#6: Chart Analysis
#7: Transit of Planets
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